Daily Reminder: It Takes Time

So it’s been a while since I spilled my heart and soul onto this website. But I’m on my lunch break and need to r e l e a s e.

Photography is bringing so many people into my life. It’s beautiful. As someone who struggles with trusting others and making friends overall, photography has become such a nifty tool that breaks me out of the shell that I put myself in. For that alone, I’m thankful.

Things are different. They’ve changed. And I mean, in a good way! I’ve opened up a whole new realm of my life that has been hidden away for so long. I found that thing that makes me excited to wake up in the morning. And damn, I don’t want that to ever fade. I’m learning to embrace this path I’m taking each day. But that anxiety is always lingering.

It’s fear. I’ve done nothing but write about fear for the past few years now. But fear holds us back from all that is great. I still have fear – a lot it I might add. And it’s a daily struggle for me to cast out those negative thoughts of comparison. But I’m not letting it stop me. Today is rough as I feel those thoughts dripping into my heart, my safe space of creating. So this is me, telling it to get it’s hand off my shoulder and go somewhere else in the only way I know how — writing.

It’s all a constant learn process. Life in general is. And must I say, I am not a patient person when it comes to achieving goals. I rushed through college, taking extra classes, so that I could get the heck outta there. And for what? I was one lost girl when that diploma hit my hands. And I thought, isn’t this what I wanted?

So with photography and business….it takes TIME. With achieving any type of long-term goal. IT TAKES TIME. I need to remind myself of this so many times in a day. It’s so heavy on my heart and my blood, sweat, and tears are going into this. But patience is such a virtue. Everything happens in time and nothing worth having happens overnight.

My heart is ready. My mind is getting there.

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